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I got the task to export specific users.
- All users in a specific OU
- Send once a month (done by scheduled task)
$date = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") $location = "ADUSERS-" + $date + ".csv" $recipient = "youremail" # DONT TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE "Lets load the AD module" Import-Module ActiveDirectory "Get all users and export them to " + $location Get-ADUser -SearchBase 'OU=YOUROU,DC=company,DC=local' -ResultSetSize 10000 -Filter * -Properties sAMAccountName,displayName,description,office,department,created,AccountExpirationDate,enabled | select-object sAMAccountName,displayName,description,office,department,created,AccountExpirationDate,enabled | Export-CSV -Path $location -Encoding UTF8 "Success in outputting the file, now lets remove all occurences of """ #(Get-Content $location).replace('"', '') | Set-Content $location "I'm all done and the file is now ready for emailing" $smtpServer = "yoursmtpserver" $att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($location) $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer) $msg.From = "fromadress" $msg.To.Add($recipient) $msg.Subject = "Users in AD on " + $date $msg.Body = "Attached is the report Please open it in Excel and use the 'Text to columns' button on Data tab, split by Comma Kind regards IT" $msg.Attachments.Add($att) $smtp.Send($msg) $att.Dispose() "OMG the email has been sent to " + $recipient