Setting up DKIM with Office 365: It is fairly simple to start with, you just need access to your DNS to complete the setup. I started logging into PowerShell and creating my DKIM keys, […]
Check if a user is moved to O365
We are currently migrating to Office 365, but not all users at the same time, so we have below script to see if the user is moved. Get-ADUser -Filter {memberof -eq “CN=GROUPNAME,OU=Exchange,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM”} -SearchBase “DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM” -Properties […]
Find folder in mailbox
From time to time I receive a support ticket to restore a mailbox folder or items because they have gone missing. In literally 99% of cases the missing mailbox contents can be found by using […]
Use the Clean-MailboxDatabase cmdlet to scan Active Directory for disconnected mailboxes that aren’t yet marked as disconnected in the Microsoft Exchange store and update the status of those mailboxes in the Exchange store. This cmdlet isn’t […]