Add or Update a User Picture to the Active directory This is a quick article to show how easy it is to update an Active Directory user account with a photo of the user. The Active […]
Powershell fetch BitLocker key
This is a powershell script that will fetch the BitLocker recovery password, save it as a .ps1 file and run it. <# .SYNOPSIS Automates the process on gathering BitLocker recovery password and TPM owner password. […]
Check if a user is moved to O365
We are currently migrating to Office 365, but not all users at the same time, so we have below script to see if the user is moved. Get-ADUser -Filter {memberof -eq “CN=GROUPNAME,OU=Exchange,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM”} -SearchBase “DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM” -Properties […]
Use the Clean-MailboxDatabase cmdlet to scan Active Directory for disconnected mailboxes that aren’t yet marked as disconnected in the Microsoft Exchange store and update the status of those mailboxes in the Exchange store. This cmdlet isn’t […]
Send a csv file with users in AD
I got the task to export specific users. All users in a specific OU Send once a month (done by scheduled task) $date = (Get-Date).ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd”) $location = “ADUSERS-” + $date + “.csv” $recipient = “youremail” […]
List all jobs on all servers in AD
<# .Synopsis PowerShell script to list all Scheduled Tasks and the User ID .DESCRIPTION This script scan the content of the c:\Windows\System32\tasks and search the UserID XML value. The output of the script is a […]