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I see many people use subqueries or else vendor-specific features to do this, but I often do this kind of query without subqueries in the following way. It uses plain, standard SQL so it should work in any brand of RDBMS.

FROM mytable t1
  LEFT OUTER JOIN mytable t2
    ON (t1.UserId = t2.UserId AND t1."Date" < t2."Date")

In other words: fetch the row from t1 where no other row exists with the same UserId and a greater Date.

(I put the identifier “Date” in delimiters because it’s an SQL reserved word.)

In case if t1."Date" = t2."Date", doubling appears. Usually tables has auto_inc(seq) key, e.g. id. To avoid doubling can be used follows:

FROM mytable t1
  LEFT OUTER JOIN mytable t2
    ON t1.UserId = t2.UserId AND ((t1."Date" < t2."Date") 
         OR (t1."Date" = t2."Date" AND <


Re comment from @Farhan:

Here’s a more detailed explanation:

An outer join attempts to join t1 with t2. By default, all results of t1 are returned, and if there is a match in t2, it is also returned. If there is no match in t2 for a given row of t1, then the query still returns the row of t1, and uses NULL as a placeholder for all of t2’s columns. That’s just how outer joins work in general.

The trick in this query is to design the join’s matching condition such that t2 must match the same userid, and a greater date. The idea being if a row exists in t2 that has a greater date, then the row in t1 it’s compared against can’t be the greatest date for that userid. But if there is no match — i.e. if no row exists in t2 with a greater date than the row in t1 — we know that the row in t1 was the row with the greatest date for the given userid.

In those cases (when there’s no match), the columns of t2 will be NULL — even the columns specified in the join condition. So that’s why we use WHERE t2.UserId IS NULL, because we’re searching for the cases where no row was found with a greater date for the given userid.

My usage for ProNestor

	SELECT * INTO #Pronestor FROM (SELECT AS Office, r.[resource_id] AS ID
	,r.[name] AS Name
	,CASE CHARINDEX(' ', [description], 1)
	WHEN 0 THEN [description] -- empty or single word
	ELSE SUBSTRING([description], 1, CHARINDEX(' ', [description], 1) - 1) -- multi-word
	END Pcnumber, b.start_time AS lastbooked, b.end_time AS lastbookedto, u.initial AS lasstbookedby
	FROM dbo.location l, [dbo].[resource] r
	LEFT JOIN b ON (b.resource_id = r.resource_id AND b.end_time < GETDATE())
	LEFT OUTER JOIN bmax ON (bmax.resource_id = r.resource_id AND b.start_time < bmax.start_time AND bmax.end_time < GETDATE())
	LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.reservation re ON (re.reservation_id = b.reservation_id)
	LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.AppUser u ON (u.user_id = re.owner_user_id)
	WHERE bmax.resource_id IS NULL AND (description LIKE 'PC%' OR LIKE 'SKYPE%' OR LIKE 'AV%') AND r.location_id = l.location_id
	) AS x